PT Agung Menjangan Mas Tbk. (AMM) is a national private company that provides support services for aquaculture and shrimp farming in Indonesia. Since 2004, AMM has been running its business activities supported by an experienced management team in its field of providing pond preparation services for shrimp farming, pond maintenance and supervision during the cultivation process, harvesting process, and post-harvest preparation.
Having been trusted and used by shrimp farmers in Indonesia and other Southeast Asian areas, AMM continues to strive in growing to become a leading company that is considered by competitors, especially in Indonesia through the company’s vision and mission. Supported by products and markets that continue to grow, as well as a solid foundation and management team, AMM has a vision to become a national company that is globally recognized as a provider of comprehensive and leading integrated land and sea fisheries services, as well as a mission to maintain sustainability. development of marine resources and produce quality crops through innovation, empowerment of humans and related industry workers, as well as good governance, based on the principles of sustainability and nature conservation.
AMM, who has thirty years of experience, has succeeded in implementing good and correct cultivation practices with optimal productivity levels. With certification from KKP, AMM has also applied modern, advanced, good and on-point applications.
With an area of 50,000 square meters in the area of Pejarakan Village, Gerokgak District, Buleleng Regency, AMM also rents out its land and office units belonging to the company. As part of the company strategy, starting in 2020 AMM has added a variety of aquaculture support service commodities for lobster, grouper and barramundi.
With a clear vision and mission supported by products and markets that continue to grow as well as a solid management team and a solid foundation, the Company strives to continue growing to become a leading company that is considered by competitors, especially in Indonesia.
Public Accountant :
Kantor Akuntan Publik Kanaka & Rekan
STTD.AP-190/PM.22/2018 a.n Florus Daeli
Association :
Ikatan Akuntan Publik Indonesia No. AP. 0126
Work Guidelines :
Standar Profesional Akuntan Publik
Notary :
Dr. Sugih Haryati,S.H., M.Kn
No. STTD :
STTD.N-135/PM.2/2018 tanggal 7 Agustus 2018
Association Membership :
Ikatan Notaris Indonesia Nomor 0429319840712
Legal Consultant :
William & Hendrik Law Office
Prosperity Tower, 16E District 8, SCBD
Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 52 – 53
Jakarta Selatan 12190, Indonesia.
Association :
Himpunan Konsultan Hukum Pasar Modal
Work Guidelines :
Standar Profesi Konsultan Hukum Pasar Modal Lampiran dari Keputusan Himpunan Konsultan Hukum Pasar Modal No.KEP.01/HKHPM/20
Bureau of Securities Administration :
PT Adimitra Jasa Korpora
Association :
Asosiasi Biro Administrasi Efek Indonesia (ABI)
Work Guidelines :
Peraturan Pasar Modal
The company believes that competitive strength will support the company in carrying out the strategy and provide advantages over its competitors. The following are some of the current company advantages:
1. Company’s good business relations
The company has good relations with all partnering parties, both the surrounding community and the customers. This good partnership certainly benefits each other, especially in the performance in bringing shrimp pond processing services. The company will continue to maintain and improve good relations with all parties to improve the quality and services to increase the competitive value of the company.
2. Management with high capability and experience in the shrimp farming industry
Each member of the Company’s Board of Directors has a good track record and proven capability to serve on the board in all aspects of the company’s business. Members of the Board of Directors are assisted by division leaders and professional managers who are capable in their respective fields. The established organizational structure is an organization with high efficiency, sustainability and active role in obtaining the company’s vision and mission.
3. Have high credibility and good customers record
The company has provided services and has served one of the best and largest set of ponds in the Bali area with a complete scope of work such as providing pond preparation services, pond maintenance, shrimp harvesting process and post-harvest process so as the company, management and employees are experienced in managing large-scaled and high standard shrimp ponds.
4. Provide pond management end-to-end services
The company provides complete services in pond management such as in the early stages of land and pond preparation, and also maintenance, supervision and feeding. The company also offers the services needed in the harvesting stage such as sorting, checking the standard quality of shrimp that have been determined by the customer, and transferring shrimp that has met the quality to the customer’s sorting house. The Company also provides post-harvest services in order to re-prepare the shrimp ponds to maintain the stability and quality of the ponds and to avoid damage.
As long as the company carries out its business activities, there is no significant business competition that affects the decision making. This is due to the geographical location of the company and similar service providers around the area, in which most of them are individuals with unreliable data and difficult to analyze.
In general, the company always maintains a competitive position and maximum results to keep the good partnership with the clients.
To achieve the vision and develop the business sector in line with the applicable regulations, currently the company carries out the following business strategies:
1. Efficiency Improvement
The company will make efficiency in the provision of its services by adding new machines that will bring performance improvement. This action will also bring costs reduction.
2. Increasing the Competitive Value
Performance maintenance and development from both operational and financial perspective will be carried out continuously based on predetermined quality standards. In addition, the company will also continue to establish good relationships with customers and the surrounding community. This strategy is crucial due to good review and reputation that furthermore will increase the competitive value in the future.
3. Providing Services to Meet the Whole Needs of Customer
The growing development of shrimp farming business makes the customer needs increase and creates new other needs in the industry. These new needs can be an opportunity for the company to provide the best pillar services in shrimp farming. This makes the Company committed to continuing the business lines complement, to always meet customer needs for shrimp farming pillar services.
4. Widening Market Reach and Business Expansion
The company always pays attention to opportunities to reach and expand the market in providing services and earning income in order to develop its business. Eyeing the available opportunities, the company sees that the areas of Bali, East Nusa Tenggara, West Nusa Tenggara are promising places with broad shrimp farming business prospects. Other parts in Indonesia, such as Sulawesi and Sumatra, are also considered as potential areas.
A company that provides services to support aquaculture and shrimp farming.
Warganegara Indonesia, usia 68 tahun. Menyelesaikan pendidikan Sarjana Ekonomi di Universitas Widya Mandala Surabaya pada tahun 1979
Pengalaman Kerja :
1979 – 1985 : Founding Officer PT. Bank Karman
1990 – 207 : Komisaris PT. Danu Mas
2019 – Sekarang : Komisaris PT Menjangan Mas
2021 – Sekarang : Komisaris Utama PT Agung Menjangan Mas Tbk
Warganegara Indonesia, usia 63 tahun. Menyelesaikan pendidikan Ph.D bidang Ilmu Ekologi dan Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Wilayah Pesisir dan Lautan di School for Resources and Environmental Studies Dalhousie University di Kanada pada tahun 1991
Pengalaman Kerja :
1994 – 2010 : Ketua Program Studi Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Pesisir dan Lautan, Program Pasca Sarjana Institut Pertanian Bogor.2001 – 2004 : Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Republik Indonesia Kabinet Gotong Royong
2005 – 2006 : Komisaris Utama PT. Perikanan Nusantara (Persero)
2005 – 2006 : Ketua tim CSR BP Migas
2019 – Sekarang : Ketua Dewan Pembina Asosiasi Pemerintahan Daerah Kepulauan Dan Pesisir Seluruh Indonesia (ASPEKSINDO)
2021 – Sekarang : Komisaris Independen PT Agung Menjangan Mas Tbk
Warganegara Indonesia, usia 64 tahun. Menyelesaikan pendidikan Magister Ilmu Administrasi di Universitas Moestopo Beragama, pada tahun 2004.
Pengalaman Kerja :
2008 – 2009 : Kepala Kantor Wilayah Badan Pertahanan Nasional Provinsi Sumatera Barat
2012 – 2016 : Kepala Kantor Wilayah Badan Pertahanan Nasional Provinsi DI Yogyakarta
2017 – 2018 : Komisaris Independen PTPN II
2020 – Sekarang : Staff Ahli Kementerian Agraria dan Tata Ruang / Badan Pertahanahan Nasional
2020 – Sekarang : Advisor PT Pelindo II
2021 – Sekarang : Komisaris Independen PT Agung Menjangan Mas Tbk
Warganegara Indonesia, usia 38 tahun.
Menyelesaikan pendidikan Sarjana Manajemen di California State University pada tahun 2008.
Pengalaman Kerja :
2009 – 2011 : Assistant Manager di TAG Group
2011 – 2018 : Manager Operasional PT Total Logistik
2013 – Sekarang :Direktur Utama PT Agung Menjangan Mas
2019 – Sekarang :Direktur PT Rajawali Petroindo
Warganegara Indonesia, usia 47 tahun. Menyelesaikan pendidikan Manajemen Informatika ( Sistem Informasi) Di Universitas Bina Nusantara Pada tahun 2001
Pengalaman Kerja :
2019 – 2021 :Manajer Reporting & Operations Agency di PT Asuransi Bni Life
2021 – 2023 : Manajer Operations di PT. Maxindo Mitra Solusi
2023 – Sekarang : Direktur PT Agung Menjangan Mas Tbk